How to Ensure a Healthy Roof

When it comes to cleaning or remodeling any area of the house we almost never pay attention to roof maintenance, overlooking the fact that weather conditions such as rain, intense sun, and even tree branches generate leaks and cause damage mainly when the rainy season arrives.

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Following some simple tips will achieve good maintenance and repair can help prevent leaks and avoid large and expensive repairs:

Always check the tiles

Make sure the tiles are clean and free of dirt. Your shingles should not be home to lichens, mosses and algae. Regular maintenance of the tiles will help you notice if they are missing or damaged. Once you discover missing or damaged shingles, it is best to replace them immediately. If it’s something you can handle, it’s perfect. Otherwise, it’s important to use a professional roofing company that knows how important shingles are and will make sure your entire roof is in perfect condition.

Keep your gutters clean

Always clean your channels like this part of a roofing system. It’s really important to keep the roof in place. Imagine a roof with or without blocked gutters. Rainwater will stay on your roof forming a pool where you could start some kind of aquatic life, and this stationary water would start to run down the roof as a result of gravity.

In a short time, you will discover that you have a leak right above your bed. Keep the gutters clean to ensure that the roof drainage system works properly and avoid some emergencies.

Check your roof for rust

Depending on the roof material you used, a part of your roof is rusted. Detecting some rust on your roof means it’s time for a new roof. This little rust will be a way for water to leak into your home, and it won’t be fun for you.

Replace the sealant

To maintain your roof effectively, you should check the sealant. Check for signs of cracks. Also, check for sealants that are completely damaged. In both cases, remove all the sealant and replace it.

Cut outstanding branches

If you have a tree near your house, you probably have this problem or don’t even know it exists. Having a tree branch hanging over your roof can lead to having a roof that is always dirty. This branch will always drop its leaves on your roof, making the top of your house look like some kind of garden or even a forest.

These leaves can damage your roof because they can get caught in the gutters and prevent the flow of water. If you have a branch of this type on your roof, you should cut it off and be careful not to make the branch fall on your roof and create a large hole that will definitely require replacement.

Check if your fireplace is OK

Your roof is subject to damage, as is your fireplace. In this case, a damaged chimney can in turn damage a roof, so it is important to take care of your chimney along with your roof. Imagine a heavy brick falling from your chimney. It would hit your roof and could cause serious damage. Be sure to repair chimneys where necessary.

You’ve seen some ways to take care of your roof, but you probably need something else or just want an expert to do it for you. We have the best professionals and materials to protect the roof of your home. Get a free estimate now.